Set in northwest Iowa, T. Patrick Graves delves into contemporary life's universal struggles. Inspired by Paul McCartney's iconic song, each chapter is named after a Beatles track. This heartfelt novel, written over several years and through personal challenges, reflects on resilience, love, and the human condition.
In When My Husband Ran for President and Other Short Stories, it’s Ruth Harkin's turn to share lessons, memories, and parts of the lasting influences she has provided her family, Iowans, and the nation.
From the New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult, comes a novel about two women, centuries apart--one of whom is the real author of Shakespeare's plays--who are both forced to hide behind another name.
A sweeping biography of one of the most influential (and successful) business-women in American history, Becoming Elizabeth Arden opens the Red Door to a world of wealth, glamor, and the profitable business of beauty.
Antiracism as Daily Practice: Refuse Shame, Change White Communities, and Help Create a Just World explores how white Americans can change their everyday behaviors to confront racism in their spheres of influence.
midst the vast changes that have occurred over the years, Love Is My Favorite Flavor underscores the timelessness of what it is we seek when we entrust restaurateurs with our hard-earned money and our hard-won leisure time.
Do you love to write poetry? Or read poetry? If so, grab a friend and head to Beaverdale Books for a free, fun, and informal evening of open mic poetry, emceed by Iowa poet Kelsey Bigelow.
midst the vast changes that have occurred over the years, Love Is My Favorite Flavor underscores the timelessness of what it is we seek when we entrust restaurateurs with our hard-earned money and our hard-won leisure time.
Deep in the heart of Farmville, where the air is clean and the fields are green, Super Chef Mary makes The Vita Gang delicious dinners in her Mystic Kitchen.
Kaveh Akbar’s Martyr! is a paean to how we spend our lives seeking meaning—in faith, art, ourselves, others—in which a newly sober, orphaned son of Iranian immigrants, guided by the voices of artists, poets, and kings, embarks on a search that leads him to a terminally ill painter living out her final days in the Brooklyn Museum.
With the help of his third-grade cousin, Lucy, and the supportive grownups at his school and home, Ethan overcomes bullying and encounters new friends in this new book, Ethan Goes to Recess.
In When My Husband Ran for President and Other Short Stories, it’s Ruth Harkin's turn to share lessons, memories, and parts of the lasting influences she has provided her family, Iowans, and the nation.