Meet the Author

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Kurt Burmeister | Twilight of the Gods
@Beaverdale Books
This is not your comic book trickster. Kurt Baumeister’s Twilight of the Gods is satire and alternate history on an operatic, cinematic, and cosmic scale, with a cast that transcends time and space. The grinding of The Wheel of Fate is heard in Valhalla, as it is in Berlin and Boston. Can Odin’s many schemes be undone? Who can rewire the robotic nightmare of politics and write a brighter future for humanity? Only humanity’s champion, the long misunderstood, supposed force of evil, Loki. This is a tale of fallen gods and failing humanity, of love lost and found, of parents and children, magic and sex, art and lies, good, evil, and the end of Fate. This is the story of Loki. In his own words.
Kurt Baumeister’s writing has appeared in Salon, Guernica, Electric Literature, Rain Taxi, The Brooklyn Rail, The Rumpus, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, The Nervous Breakdown, The Weeklings, and other outlets. An acquisitions editor with 7.13 Books, Baumeister holds an MFA in creative writing from Emerson College. Twilight Of The Gods is his second novel.
This event will be moderated by John Domini. To date, he has published four novels– including a trilogy set in Naples, Italy– three sets of stories, a memoir, a selection of criticism, and more. John has won awards in all genres, including a Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. He has written criticism and journalism for Lit Hub, Washington Post, Brooklyn Rail, Boston Globe, GQ, and many others. Several of his works have appeared in Italian translation. Teaching literature and creative writing, he’s worked at Harvard, Northwestern, and elsewhere. Currently, he lives in Des Moines and writes full-time.